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           Chapter 1:

    The Discovery



                     To be said in short these are the large spaced 'Flying Cars'.

                       They are round in shape like an orb with cushion and control panel inside, built with hard metals.

                        They can accommodate many people and fly  at high speeds.

                        They are slow when compared with the Angerian busses which travel 2 times faster than Laverns.

                        They are expensive.

                        Although the Angerian bus looks like a bus and train combined, with railings laid in the air like a cable car accommodating a huge number of people. They are cheap to travel and very expensive.

















                      Minicry is a small flying vehicle that can accommodate just one person.  They are not fast as Laverans but have a considerable speed rate suitable for daily activities.

                       Looks like a U.F.O

                       They are used by the Ronad people.

                       They are heavily armed and can carry heavy objects using its claw located at its bottom.















Flozel Language:

                       This is the spoken language of all the  Angerian people of Agies land.

                       Their written language symbols are some complicated lines and curves.

                       This is an ancient language.

                           There are only  4  languages in Angerna and that is Flozel, Tekew, Casin and Gliwel.





                     This dwarf planet is  9th from the Sun, orbiting it.

                       This planet is generally cold with a normal temperature of  8-15 degree Celsius.

                       It is one of the oldest life sustaining planet of our solar system and people were able to speak and write well even before humanity came to Earth.

                       Its habitants are called as Angerians.

                       It has an artificial sun.

                      The artificial sun is small and orbits the Pluto.

                      Only one-half of Angerna, Angerians live the other side is a deadly jungle occupied by dangerous wild Crits.

                       The barrier between the Angerians and the jungle is a wide gap with huge walls and heavily guarded.

                      No one has ever entered into the jungle and the ones went never returned.

                       At the Ancient time, the Angerian Scholars used to visit Earth more frequently and learned the way human beings led their lives.

                       They then implemented the same rules with slight modification in Angerna.

                        And due to that even today Angerna follows most principles followed by the Earth people including time assessment and dressing sense.

                       But in due course of time Angerna formed a better community than the human being with Co-operation and teamwork.

                       Angerna has its own Aisel known by all and also has a powerful Elder tree.

                       Their money is called as Labse.

                       Angerian people have the same brain capacity as humans normally but some even higher intellect than humans.

                       They have some animals like the  Barbaranzies. [ A domesticated Crit ], Chiacoves, Wizzier, Dlocaster etc..





                         Anatons are the universal name for the Earth people [Human beings].

                         Earth's universal name is Anaven.

                         At the Ancient time, the Angerian Scholars used to visit Earth more frequently and learned the way human beings led their lives.

                         They then implemented the same rules with slight modification in Angerna.

                          And due to that even today Angerna follows most principles followed by the Earth people including time assessment and dressing sense.

                          But in due course of time Angerna formed a better community than the human being with Co-operation and teamwork.



Sparz children:

                       They are the foster kids of Mr Totru Sparz.

                         They are Linie Sparz [9f], Tolli Sparks [9m], Froha Sparz [6m], Velma Sparz [6f] , Jikku Sparz [5m], Koko Sparz [5f] , Tito Sparz[5m] , Leon Sparz [5m], Patha Sparz [5f], Novalex Sparz [4f], Gelanar Sparz [4m], Varanes Sparz [4m] ,Hiro Sparz [4m] and Kasinala Sparz [3f] .

[The bracket numbers indicate their age in according to Chapter 1]

                         Here Gelanar and Varanes are twin boys.






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